
|| Sarga 63 ||

|| Tattva Dipika ||

|| om tat sat||

Sarga 63
"दृष्टा देवी न संदेहो"

"दृष्टा देवी न संदेहो" means
"Sita has been seen, without a doubt"
That is Sugriva's statement.

He adds some more.
" नचान्येन हनूमता"
"Not by anybody else, by Hanuman only".

"Sita was seen.
Not by somebody else.
Seen by Hanuma only".
This speaks volumes about Sugriva's belief in Hanuma.
Sugriva reached the conclusion even before Hanuma and others could report.

No conversation about Hanuma's greatness can end,
without out quoting this statement of Sugriva.

How Sugriva reached that conclusion is the story of this Sarga.

There is another aspect that should be noted.
That is about a commitment redeemed.

When this information was conveyed,
Rama and Lakshmana were delighted.
Looking at the delight of Rama and Lakshmana,
which is reflected in their eyes.
Sugriva was delighted (ननन्द 63.27).
Valmiki describes that happy scene.

प्रीतिस्फीताक्षौ संप्रहृष्टौ कुमारौ
दृष्ट्वा सिद्धार्थौ वानराणां च राजा।
अंगैः संहृष्टैः कर्मसिद्धिं विदित्वा
बाह्वोरासन्नां सोऽतिमात्रं ननन्द॥ ( 63.27)

The duo of princes was overjoyed.
It could be seen in their eyes that expanded in delight.
With their object all but met,
all their limbs were filled with happiness.
The king of Vanaras too was extremely delighted,
knowing that the successful end of his mission is within reach.
बाह्वोरासन्नां means हस्तप्राप्तमिव,
As though it is within his hands reach!

Sugriva who has committed to take up search for Sita,
in return for getting Vanara kingdom,
now almost feels like he discharged his responsibility.
And so, he is delighted.
A commitment has been redeemed.
Thus there is happiness shared by all the three.

This Sarga opens in the background of the destruction of Madhuvan.
The guards protecting the same have been thrashed.
The one in charge of protection decides to report to the King.
He comes and falls at the feet of the king.

The Sarga starts with the line,
"ततो मूर्ध्ना निपतितं वानरं वानरर्षभः"
Then that Vanara who has fallen at his feet,
was addressed by the King of Vanaras.

Unable to stop the destruction of Madhuvan,
driven away by the happy Vanaras enjoying themselves,
Dadhimukha reaches Sugriva and falls at his feet.

Then the king of Vanaras,
anxiously looking at the Dadhimukha,
who has fallen at his feet,
addresses him with empathy.

'Oh hero, please get up.
Why have you fallen at my feet?
I give you my word of protection.
Please tell me everything.'

Intelligent Dadhimukha, thus assured get ups and addresses the king.

' Oh Rajan! Madhuvan which was protected,
from the time of Ruksharajasa or even before,
protected in Vali's time as well as yours,
has now been pillaged by the Vanaras'.

'Though resisted by the guards of the grove,
Vanaras ate and drank honey as they wished,
disregarding the guards of the grove.

'They ate as much as they wanted,
and leftovers were thrown off.
When they were prevented,
they raised their eyebrows'.

'When prevented from vandalizing that grove,
the enraged and angry Vanaras ill-treated them.
Oh, Bull among Vanaras!
Then many of the heroes who were angry and with red eyes,
chased away the guards of the garden.
Some were hit by hands, some were hit with their knees
Some were dragged as they liked and threw them into the sky'.

'They thrashed the guards in this way, while you are the king.
They destroyed the Madhuvan and devoured the honey as they liked'.

Dadhimukha focus is on destruction of Madhuvan,
and the thrashing of the guards who were following the orders.
But Sugriva's thoughts move on to the perpetrators.
This happened under the leadership of Angada and Hanuman.

While Dadhimukha was narrating his woes,
King of Vanaras was asked by Lakshmana, who is wise.
'Oh King! Why is this protector of forest here?
Why is he sad. What is he sad about?

Thus, asked by the great soul Lakshmana,
Sugriva who is adept at the use of words,
spoke in reply to Lakshmana.

'Oh, Venerable one!
Dadhimukha is saying that fruits and honey have been consumed,
by the Vanara heroes Angada and others.

'This surely cannot be done by those
who have not accomplished their task.
The way they have entered the grove,
they must have accomplished their task'.

'They have seen the divine lady.
Without any doubt it is by none other than Hanuman.
the wisdom, the effort, the strength,
and the enthusiasm to accomplish the task,
these are all well established in him'.

' Where Jambavan is the leader,
where the mighty Angada and Hanuman are directing,
there the result has to be this only not otherwise'.

'Angada and other leaders indeed destroyed the Madhuvan.
When prevented, they hit them on their knees.
Hence the hero named Dadhimukha,
a Vanara known for his valor came here to tell the sweet words'.

' Oh, Mighty Saumitra!
Sita has been truly seen.
See all the Vanaras having arrived drank honey!

'Oh, Bull among men! Without seeing Sita,
the renowned Vanaras,
would not have destroyed the Madhuvan
which was granted as a boon '.

Then Rama and Lakshmana were delighted.
The words spoken by Sugriva were pleasing to the ears.

Sugriva having heard the words of Dadhimukha,
again, very pleased spoke to Dadhimukha.

'I am happy that the Madhuvan is eaten by those
who accomplished their task.
The act of those who accomplished their task is excused.
We want to hear from Hanuman and others who have succeeded'.

Sugriva the king of Vanaras, eyes filled with joy,
seeing the delighted young princes,
delighted at the fulfilment of the task,
felt a thrill all over his body,
realizing that the successful conclusion is within reach,

And he was delighted.

Thus, ends the Sarga sixty-three of Sundarakanda in Ramayana.

|| om tat sat||

|| This is what we understood from Tattva Dipika of Shri Bhashyam, Appalacharyulu garu"||
|| om tat sat||